Online course on treating teenagers

It’s less than two weeks to go now before the start of my online course, TCM and the teenage years.  In this four part webinar, I will discuss the many ways in which teenagers benefit from acupuncture, and how to go about treating them.

For many reasons, being an adolescent in the early 21st century is not easy, and our teenagers are manifesting huge levels of stress.  The number of young people who come to the Panda Clinic with anxiety, depression and related conditions is worryingly high.

The good news is, however, that the results when treating teenagers who are struggling physically, emotionally or psychologically can be nothing short of miraculous.  Adolescence is a time of flux and this means we can harness the potential that this flux provides us with to iron out pre-existing imbalances and ensure that new ones do not develop.

There are only a handful of places remaining on the course.  If you are interested, to sign up please go to:

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